

As a child, I was always drawing or painting things in my surroundings. Nothing was ever ugly for me and if not beautiful then most certainly interesting.
I wanted to capture these images on paper or later on canvas, always aware of the dimension, shape and color of any given object.

Sailing has been one of my joys in life and some of my first drawings and paintings were of boats which I would see on my summer vacations with my parents in
Devon, England. My parents encouraged my artistic endeavors, allowing me to later attend a college for design and art and therefore continue my passion.

Whenever I paint, which is often, I'm always aware that I never want to work solely with flat shapes or even with completely abstract images, I search for dimension.
Objects in my home or outside and within nature are what I paint because of their shape, dimension or color.

After coming to America from England in my 20s, I continued painting. There is always shape, depth and sometimes shadow or reflected color to be found and investigated within any given object. This has inspired me throughout the years to continue painting.

Before starting a painting, I study the entirety of the given object to find my desired section which I then graphically compose for my finished painting. I use both my technical and creative abilities to complete the final piece.